Ucayali Botanical Garden

Pucallpa, Peru

About the Garden

The Ucalyali Botanical Garden (“UBG”) is located in Pucallpa Peru, and is dedicated to preservation, reproduction, study and appreciation of medicinal plants of the Amazonia. The garden was started on 12.5 acres of deforested land just outside of the town of Pucallpa in the Peruvian Amazon, in 2010.

Currently the garden counts more than 9,000 plants of 100 different varieties, including chuchuwasi, iporuro, shihuahuaco, bobinsana, retama, ajo sacha, jergon sacha, copaiba, clavohuasca, tahuari, uvos, shiringa, ayahuma, chiric sanango, lobo sanango, mucura, caoba, pinon blanco, pinon colorado, shillinto negro, yahuar panga, cat’s claw, and oje, amongs the most well known species.

The garden is run by the garden manager Wilmer and garden care-taker Loisir with the help of garden workers and part-time helpers.

The garden will soon be opened to the local university students and school children, as well as others interested in learning about the plants.